In this painting the dance of the Bali Bali Balga is represented. This traditional dance is an intrinsic aspect of cultural life and is still regularly performed in the Kimberley. In the Bali Bali Balga, dancers carry large thread cross totems on their shoulders and move with stamping feet and swaying body movements to the accompaniment of song and clapping boomerangs. The thread-cross constructions of brightly coloured wools represent key elements or characters of the Bali Bali Balga dance story which include the seven sisters, the morning star, the hills of Bullo River, two sailing ships, the Bali Bali ghost and the songman. Mr. Griffiths was passionate about traditional performance and a committed teacher who passed on knowledge of song and dance to his community. He dreamed this Balga dance out camping on the Spillway Creek in the Keep River area.